Friday, March 27, 2020

When Kurichy Bava’s prayers brought tears in the eyes of Rani Sahiba- Snippets from Bombay Orthodox Church History.

Mrs. Achamma Mathai, whose significant leadership alongwith other clergy and lay stalwarts resulted in the formation of the first parish of the Bombay Orthodox Diocese- the St Mary’s Orthodox Church at Dadar, wrote a eulogy on His Holiness Baselios Geevarghese II (of blessed memory) in a souvenir published on the occasion of the 100th birth anniversary of Bava Thirumeni in 1973. While fondly remembering the spiritual stature of the holy father, Mrs. Mathai shares an interesting anecdote that happened during the Dadar church’s consecration in 1951. Deeply moved by the consecration ceremony, Rani Sahiba- the wife of the Governor lamented to Thirumeni- her words are noteworthy and piercing.
His Holiness Baselios Geevarghese II Bava Thirumeni at the reception organised by the Governor.

“Even though I have lived most of my life outside Kerala, I have had the good fortune to meet His Holiness on several occasions and receive his blessings. One that stands out in memory is when His Holiness accepted the invitation to consecrate the first Orthodox Syrian church in Bombay.

The Governor of Bombay at that time was Raja Sir Maharaj Singh. His father belonged to the Kapurthala family. He was one of the earliest to accept Christianity and in doing so had to renounce his claim to the Gadi (Chair/Throne) of Kapurthala State. Rajkumari Amrit Kaur – the health minister in the first cabinet of Independent India was his sister.

Raja Maharaj Singh was a great admirer of the ancient Orthodox Church and was deeply interested in its history and rituals. It was the chief subject of conversation whenever I met him. On hearing that His Holiness the Catholicose was to consecrate the church in Bombay, he and Rani Sahiba wished to be present on the occasion.

The Service was a very impressive one. His Holiness’s personality and his rich deep voice added to the solemnity and dignity of the service. I noticed tears in the eyes of Rani Sahiba when His Holiness consecrated every door and window with the sign of Cross in Holy Moroon. They told me afterwards that they were greatly impressed by the Service. 

At the reception given by the Governor to His Holiness, the Rani Sahiba came up to him and told him it was not their fault that they were not the members of this Church. “Your church did not bring the message of Christ to the Raja”. His Holiness smiled and blessed her.

If he was alive today it would gladden his heart to see how much the membership of the church had grown in Bombay…His Holiness spoke of efficacy of prayer, prayer not merely as a supplication but as time of meditation which brought you closer to God. Giving you strength and courage to overcome the weight of cross that each of us is called to bear. On one occasion he advised us to hold tightly onto the holy Mother. She is the best mediator to ease our suffering and sorrows…

May the Church through the prayers of His Holiness become a still greater instrument of service, peace and goodwill.”-   Mrs. Achamma Mathai- Bava Thirumeni, A Guiding Light Forever (Kaalam Cheyutha Parishudha Geevarghese Dwidhiyan Catholica Bava Thirumanassile Janmashathabdhi Smaragu grantham; Malankara Sabha Special, 1973 July edition, Book 28, Issue 9, Pg 160-163)

May the prayers of the holy Theotokos and all the saints help us during these testing times.

In Christ,
Rincy John

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