Irenaeus of Lyons (~130-202 AD), a Greek bishop from St Polycarp’s hometown
Symrna, offers an interesting angle to the miracle of healing of the man born
blind (St John 9:1-41)- the miracle which we commemorated last Sunday (the sixth
Sunday of the Great Lent). He opines that the Lord healed many people by His
word because sin was the reason of the infirmities of these people. However, in
this case the man was born blind and neither the man’s nor his parents’ sins
being the cause of his blindness.
as Jesus passed by, He saw a man who was blind from birth. And His disciples
asked Him, saying, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was
born blind?” Jesus answered, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but that
the works of God should be revealed in him. (St John 9:1-3)
Irenaeus says that as per the book of Genesis the Lord took clay from the earth
and formed man; in a similar manner we are fashioned in the womb of the mother.
Hence, what the Lord omitted to form in womb of the blind man’s mother (i.e.
his eyes), He fashioned that publicly by smearing clay (made from His spit on the
Irenaeus says:
thus also He healed by a word all the others who were in a weakly condition
because of sin; to whom also He said, Behold, you are made whole, sin no more,
lest a worse thing come upon you: (St. John 5:14) pointing out by this, that,
because of the sin of disobedience, infirmities have come upon men.

therefore, when His disciples asked Him for what cause the man had been born
blind, whether for his own or his parents' fault, He replied, Neither has this
man sinned, nor his parents, but that the works of God should be made manifest
in him. (St. John 9:3).
the work of God is the fashioning of man. For, as the Scripture says, He made
[man] by a kind of process: And the Lord took clay from the earth, and formed
man (Genesis 2:7).Wherefore also the Lord spat on the ground and made clay, and
smeared it upon the eyes, pointing out the original fashioning [of man], how it
was effected, and manifesting the hand of God to those who can understand by
what [hand] man was formed out of the dust.
that which the artificer, the Word, had omitted to form in the womb, [viz., the
blind man's eyes], He then supplied in public, that the works of God might be
manifested in him, in order that we might not be seeking out another hand by
which man was fashioned, nor another Father; knowing that this hand of God
which formed us at the beginning, and which does form us in the womb, has in
the last times sought us out who were lost, winning back His own, and taking up
the lost sheep upon His shoulders, and with joy restoring it to the fold of
life.”- St.
Irenaeus, Against Heresies, Book V, Chapter 15, Ante-Nicene Fathers-Vol. 1.
In Christ,
Rincy John
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