Friday, May 1, 2020

The living experience of Resurrection by Fr. CV John, Calcutta. (1955)

This is an English translation (slightly abridged) of a sermon given during Holy Qurbana on 'New Sunday'/Sunday after the Feast of the Resurrection of our Lord, to the Orthodox faithful at the Union Church- Sindri (Jharkand, then Bihar) in the year 1955. This was published in the May issue of Malankara Sabha magazine of the same year.

Reading the sermon, I could visualise the 'nameless pioneers of Christ' i.e. our forefathers and mothers, who, despite being thousands of kilometres away from the homeland and staying in the interiors of the eastern part of this country with people of different faith and beliefs , didn't abandon the Orthodox faith while they worked hard to sustain  their families and establish themselves in the secular vocations. I could also feel the concern of a spiritual father who wishes to spiritually nurture and protect his flock in an alien land. It is helpful to remember that in those times, transportation wasn't well developed as it is now. The priests travelled great lengths, often to remote places enduring many hardships so that the laity isn't devoid of the spiritual blessings.

Our churches outside Kerala had humble beginnings. It has been God's grace coupled with the hardwork of clergy and laity and the intercessions of the saints that our Church has been able to grow leaps and bounds.

On this International Workers'Day (01st May is celebrated as International Workers' Day/Labour's Day in many countries), may we call to remembrance with gratitude those hardworking clergy, forefathers and mothers who nourished the infant church outside Kerala.

"O Blessed in the Lord,

I am pleased and offer glory to the Lord for having given me an opportunity to meet you all and to celebrate the Holy Qurbana in your midst.

There are two points that I want to talk about and bring to your attention. The first is regarding the experience of peace.  The most blessed experience that we can have in our earthly journey is the time we spend with God. We make time for many secular activities, but these will not give us true peace. The God of peace is our Lord Jesus Christ. The Risen Lord offered spiritual peace to His disciples. We must spiritually prepare ourselves to experience that peace.

You do not have regular liturgical services nor you have a presence of a priest who stays here full time to counsel you. Even in the parishes with systematic and consistent liturgical services, it is not uncommon to find the faithful lagging in their spiritual lives. As such you ought to be even more vigilant (since you are staying in a place that is this place is bereft of regular liturgical services) so as to wade off slothfulness in spiritual life

You should strive to experience the spiritual peace daily. The divine fellowship with the Lord is the source of this inner spiritual peace. No one can quantify how precious this peace is. At your homes, in the morning and evening, you should sing devotional hymns, read the Holy Bible, pray the liturgical prayers. You all can perform this part of Liturgy at home. Let me remind you to be extremely observant in these matters.

In a world devoid of peace, it is the fellowship with the Lord offers us the true peace. Nobody should miss the Holy Qurbana- all should attend the Divine Liturgy faithfully and partake the Holy Body and Blood of our Lord and receive blessings and peace.

The last Sunday was the feast of the Resurrection of our Lord. This Sunday is the New Sunday. Let me give you message of our Lord’s Resurrection. He who died on a Cross for us on Friday and was buried in a tomb, rose on early Sunday morning. This is a joyous event. The jealous Pharisees crucified the Lord who only did good for them. They thought that the story of Jesus of Nazareth is over- that thought couldn’t even sustain for three days. Those who cheered on Friday were put to shame on Sunday. Our Lord rose from dead defeating death and sin. The way of Christ is a way of life and strength.

We should live our lives justly and be dead to sins. St Paul says of his own experience- “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” (Galatians 2:20). This is the living experience of the Resurrection.

The sins should be crucified. Christ should be allowed to dwell in our hearts. You are not the children of this world- do not yield to the worldly passions. The resurrected life is a life of victory. You are called to overcome the sinful passions and walk as renewed being.

“Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.” (Romans 6:4)

You have left Christian homes (in your native places) to stay in areas which consists of people from different faiths. Your conduct should be such that you are seen as holy beings by others. You should carry the commandments in your hearts. People of other faiths should see Christ in you. The dead fish flows alongwith the wave- don’t be like those dead fishes- resist being flown away with the wave of worldly charms.

Through devotional hymns, reading of the Holy Bible,  liturgical prayers, attending and partaking the Holy Qurbana- these are means by which you can daily strengthen the experience of Resurrection in your life . We should strive to overcome temptations by taking refuge in the Lord and aim to live a life filled with spiritual joy and peace. May God help you through the Holy Spirit to taste the experience of Resurrection in your life."

In Christ,
Rincy John

Ref: Malankara sabha magazine, May 1955, Volume 9, Issue 7, Pg-22,23.

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