Tuesday, June 2, 2020

On the feast of Pentecost- Excerpts from a sermon by Malankara Sabha Bhasuran -St Dionysius of Vattasseril.

Dearly beloved,

We should be pure in our hearts. The disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ were very sad when the Lord, after the Resurrection, proclaimed to them about His ascension. The disciples were together because of the Lord- He reigned over them like a king, He taught and counselled them like a teacher, He cared for them like a father would. He was the Perfect Man who guided and protected their ways. The disciples had pinned the hopes of their future onto the Lord and hence they were grieved to hear that the Lord was leaving, and they will no longer be able to see Him in this world.

There was no need for the disciples to be saddened if only they had the faith in their hearts about what their beloved Teacher taught-that He is the Lord and God and those who are pure in their hearts shall see God.

However, the disciples were comforted in many ways. Through the miraculous signs shown by the Risen Lord, and the knowledge that He was going to heaven- a glorious dwelling unlike earth or any other place laden with trials and tribulations, offered consolation to the disciples.

Our Lord can see His children from the great heights of heaven. (Citing an example from nature) The higher an eagle soars the better it can see its target. Our Lord is invisible to the worldly eye, but the world is not invisible to Him, He looks after us always.

The disciples were comforted by the message of the angels during the Ascension of our Lord- "This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.” (Acts 1:11 NKJV) and noting how the Lord was ascending to heaven. With His eyes fixated on the disciples and the hands outstretched as giving them blessings, the onlookers had hope that He will continue to bless them from heaven.

Lord Jesus Christ had promised a greater consolation to the disciples- "And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever;" (St John 14:16, KJV). Our Lord comforted the disciples further- Through the Holy Spirit you shall have joy; the grief due to My separation shall wither away. The Holy Spirit is equal to Me and shall remain with you forever. He will manifest on the day of Pentecost- The Holy Spirit will comfort, protect and bless you with the gift of grace.

On the day of Pentecost, when the disciples were together in one place, tongues of fire appeared to them.  "And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance" (Acts 2:4). The disciples believed and received the gift to perform many miracles.

Peter, who denied Christ when questioned by a girl, upon being anointed with Holy Spirit, boldly proclaimed Christ in front of thousands. The chosen disciples who ran away in fear during the crucifixion of the Lord, upon being anointed with the Holy Spirit, received strength, faith, joy and were comforted.

The question may arise as to why these things don't happen now as it did during those times?
Generations, time and place are no roadblocks for receiving the Holy Spirit for those who desire, have faith, and who are willing to patiently wait to receive the gift of Holy Spirit. This is the fulfillment of the prophetic words.

Don't be troubled thinking that only the disciples could receive the Holy Spirit and you cannot because of your sinful life. Think of God as a loving Father; wouldn't an earthly father love and have mercy on his children no matter how they are. He pours the Holy Spirit not only to the pure and willing but also on the poor and undeserving beings. Our Mighty Lord can cleanse our sins and make us worthy again. Take refuge in the Lord- do not be disheartened. The Holy Spirit abides in us though we may not be deserving. The Holy Spirit cleanses us. We should plead to the Lord to make us pure and worthy to receive the Spirit. Jesus will ask the Father for us.

How can we think of committing a sin if we truly believe that the Holy Spirit dwells in us!? We will refrain from iniquities if we really believe that Lord Jesus Christ ascended to heaven and He beholds and blesses us. May the grace of the Lord help us that our hearts be made pure, so that we become worthy temples for Holy Spirit to dwell in us forever, and thus also become the heirs to kingdom of heaven.

By the prayers of our father among the saints-St Dionysius of Vattasseril, Lord have mercy upon us.

In Christ,
Rincy John

Ref: This is an English translation of the sermon which appeared in the Malankara Sabha magazine, May 1955, Volume 9, Issue 7, Pg-7,8 (Notes in Malayalam taken by Ramban Fr Thomas Marett).

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