Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Remembering Dr. Samuel Chandanapally (May 26, 1940- July 03, 2000)


I translated into English an obituary written by His Grace Philipose Mar Eusebius Metropolitan (of blessed memory) for Dr. Samuel Chandanapally, which appeared in the Malankara Sabha magazine dated July 2000.


Dr. Samuel Chandanapally- An exceptional human being.

His Grace Philipose Mar Eusebius Metropolitan (of blessed memory).

For a person to be remembered by future generations, they must either have performed memorable deeds during their lifetime or written great literary works that enlighten the next generation. It is the latter category that Shri Chandanapally is blessed with. In a life spanning just 61 years he wrote many great works and dedicated them to the people.

He wore many hats- a man engaged in literary pursuits, author, historian, critic and a great teacher. The fact that he was not affected by any ills (or pretentiousness) that usually affects the youth or the literary personalities reveals his faith in God and an Orthodox Christian character.

Shri Chandanapally was a noble man whose personality shone distinctively. His life was a cradle of unfailing devotion to God that sprouted flawless faith in Him and a perfect love for the Church. He was a respected teacher, a great researcher, a dedicated seeker of truth and an active social worker.

Our friendship and camaraderie, that developed during student days (he was known as CD Samuel), has blossomed with time. Shri Chandanapally became a teacher at a very young age and started teaching in the very college he had studied (Catholicate College, Pathanamthitta).

Due to his relentless work, Shri Chandanapally was soon promoted as the head of the department and was a known research scholar. He obtained Ph.D, D.Lit. in Malayalam literature (he was second person to obtain D.Lit. from Kerala University).

Shri Chandanapally, on his own accord was earning repute as the founding head of the Oriental Research Institute, when untimely death took him. There is no doubt that Shri Chandanapally will be immortalized (through his works). This tragedy befell when more valuable research and literary works were expected from him.

If we go by the adage ‘life begins at sixty’ then Shri Chandanapally had just started to live at the age of 61 years.  I believe that dear Chandanapally would say what the apostle St. Paul said, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” May the Lord’s servant receive the crown of righteousness. Praying with the bereaved family, friends and relatives that the departed soul may find eternal peace.


In Christ,


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