Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Very Rev. Koottunkal Geevarghese Rambachan/Thiruvithamcode Rambachan- an exemplary life of prayer and silence.(Commemorated 16th July)


Very Rev KV Geevarghese Rambachan/Thiruvithamcode Rambachan.

It was already dusk when a young lad from Fathima Matha College, Kollam arrived at St. Mary’s Orthodox Church Thiruvithamcode (Thiruvithamcode Arapally) with an earnest desire to meet Geevarghese Rambachan. Rambachan had taken the vow of silence, so he wrote in a book asking the purpose of the boy’s visit.

Just few days before his travel to Arapally, the young boy named K.G George (fondly called Kunjukunju at home) had first met Rambachan at St. Thomas Orthodox Church Kollam where the latter had come to give a devotional talk to the youth. The words of Rambachan had a profound effect on Kunjukunju and the young boy sensed the fountain of spiritual greatness who lived in Arapally. When asked about his future plans, the usually quiet Kunjukunju excitedly spoke of his calling to work in the Lord’s vineyard. Rambachan was pleased to see Kunjukunju’s determination and advised him to come to Arapally whenever he had vacations. An intense zeal burned within Kunjukunju following the encounter. In one such moment of quiet contemplation, Kunjukunju felt why to waste time in education when his ultimate aim was to serve God. If he can engage in divine mission a day earlier, then let be so. With this resolution, Kunjukunju wrote a letter to his parents informing them of his decision to begin his mission centered life at Thiruvithamcode Arapally. He posted the letter placing an express delivery stamp and thereafter boarded the train to Thiruvanthapuram to embark on a new journey under Rambachan’s wings at Arapally.

When asked about the purpose of his visit, Kunjukunju penned his desire in Rambachan’s book. Rambachan then wrote- “child, please go back (to your home) now. You should come here after completing your education and with the consent and blessing of your parents and other (relatives).”

Kunjukunju went back to Kollam accompanied by his relatives who had come searching for him. As instructed by Rambachan, Kunjukunju completed his studies and dedicated his life to God with the consent and blessing of his parents. Kunjukunju later became a metropolitan of the Malankara Orthodox Church- His Grace Geevarghese Mar Ivanios Metropolitan (of blessed memory)-a life illustrated with prayer and silence just as his guru Rambachan lived. It was indeed an encounter of saintly life recognizing holiness in another.

Very Rev. Geevarghese Rambachan was born on July 14,1890 to Pampady Koottungal Varkey and Annamma. He was fondly known as "Kochukochu". Since childhood he was known to have a devout, good mannered, honest, prayerful and humble nature. From a young age, under the tutelage of Pezhamattathu Kuriakose Rambachan (later His Grace Kuriakose Mar Gregorios Metropolitan of blessed memory/Pampady Thirumeni), Kochukochu learnt the Orthodox Christian faith and liturgy and became an acolyte at the Pampady church.

As a teenager, Geevarghese went to Old Seminary, Kottayam and His Grace Kochuparambil Paulose Mar Coorilos Metropolitan took the young lad under his wings. In the year 1909 AD, during the factional dispute, the young Geevarghese followed Mar Coorilos Metropolitan to the Jacobite church. In 1910, Geevarghese stepped into diaconate ministry by the hands of Mar Coorilos Metropolitan. After the departure of Mar Coorilos Metropolitan in 1914, Dn Geevarghese stayed at the monasteries in Kunnamkulam and Aluva to further train in the Syriac language and liturgy. During the stay at Aluva Thrikunnathu Seminary, Dn Geevarghese received the priestly ordination from Mar Athanasios Thirumeni. Fr. Geevarghese shifted to Piravom church after staying for four years in Aluva Thrikunnathu Seminary.

Recognising the ascetic life of Fr. Geevarghese, His Grace Mikhail Mar Dionysius Metropolitan elevated him as a monk-priest/Rambachan in 1930. Thereafter Rambachan willed to be the disciple of  His Grace Augen Mar Timotheos Metropolitan and shifted to Piravom. When Augen Thirumeni came to Malankara Orthodox Church, Rambachan followed suit. Once when Augen Thirumeni (later His Holiness Baselios Augen I Catholicose and Malankara Metropolitan) along with Very Rev Geevarghese Rambachan came to Devalokam to meet His Holiness Baselios Geevarghese II Catholicose and Malankara Metropolitan, Bava Thirumeni instructed thus- " We are the Catholicose of this church. We diligently observe all the fasts commanded by the holy church. From now on, you should also be likewise". Duly following the orders, Rambachan adopted an even more rigorous ascetic lifestyle.

In 1941, His Holiness Baselios Geevarghese II Bava Thirumeni appointed Very Rev Geevarghese Rambachan as the Vicar and Manager of St. Mary's Orthodox Church Thiruvithamcode. He faithfully served this parish till the end of his life.

St Thomas Orthodox Church Kulasekharam -Church consecration.From left (sitting): Very Rev. KV Geevarghese Rambachan, His Holiness Baselios Augen I Catholicose and Malankara Metropolitan, Very Rev. Aprem Paulose Rambachan. Kizhakkedathu Kuriakose Semmassen holds the pastoral staff 

Rambachan was respectfully addressed as Periyaswamy by the local Tamil people. The demanding ministry was never a stumbling block to his prayer life. Canonical prayers, periods of silence and fasting were strictly adhered to even on occasions of travel. During the period of Great Lent, Rambachan would forgo food and only have water.

Thiruvithamcode Rambachan in front of the old office block.Picture taken in 1956 by KV Mammen (Ref: the book noted in the main post).

Rambachan was concerned about the upliftment of the people of Travancore. A compassionate human being, Rambachan would financially support the less privileged ones in matters of education and health. It was Rambachan's dream to build educational institutions in Travancore under the auspices of the Malankara Orthodox Church and to start at least one dispensary to provide medical care. A nursery school was started as a part of this initiative and free medical camps for poor patients were conducted.

Photo from 1955 June edition of Malankara Sabha showing the renovated (outer) gate of the Thiruvithamcode church.(The photo is not clear; I assume it is Rambachan himself standing near the gate).

In his last days, Rambachan's health deteriorated due to severe blood loss owing to piles. After having faithfully served his Master, the curtain of time fell on the blessed priestly life exemplified by prayer, ascetic life, and service. Very Rev. Geevarghese Rambachan, the renovator of Thiruvithamcode Arapally and founder of St. Thomas Orthodox Church, Kulasekharam, left for heavenly abode on July 16, 1970, at the age of 80.

During the funeral, Rambachan's pupil Fr. CI Jesus remembered his guru thus -" We, Rambachan's students, did not have a formal education at the theological seminary. Rambachan's holy feet was our seminary. The priests whom Rambachan groomed and moulded are second to no one in Malankara. One of his disciples is present here (His Grace Yuhanon Mar Severios Metropolitan) who was elevated as the Metropolitan of Kochi diocese and was appointed as the Malpan of the (old) theological seminary. In Rambachan we saw a serene, accomplished, intellectual worker and an unparalleled ascetic of this generation. Our father Rambachan, please do pray for us." The then Malankara Sabha editor, Fr. TV George in his funeral oration said this: "Many are not here today to lament the beloved Rambachan's departure but the trees, plants and every grain of sand on this land are crying silently."

Rambachan’s burial place at St. Mary’s orthodox Church, Thiruvithamcode.

A click from the funeral of Rambachan that appeared in the 1970 August edition of Malankara Sabha magazine.

Rambachan’s disciple- His Grace Yuhanon Mar Severios Metropolitan.

One on whom Rambachan’s ascetic life of prayer and silence had profound impact- His Grace Geevarghese Mar Ivanios Metropolitan

By the prayers of our holy father among the saints- Very Rev Geevarghese Rambachan of blessed memory, may the Lord have mercy upon us!

In Christ,


Ref: Translated from Malayalam and summarised from the following chapters:

'Koottungal KV Geevarghese Ramban' (Fr. Thomas P Zachariah Koottungal), 'Thiruvithamcode Periswamy' (Fr. Daniel George), Malankara Sabha article on the final moments of Very Rev KV Geevarghese Rambachan and 'Shudhan kanda vishudhi' (Shri Jose Kurian Pulliyeril) of the book- 'Thomayar Kovil- Thiruvithamcode Arachapally', Editor- Dr. M Kurian Thomas, MOC Publications, 2020 edition.

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